Tuesday 27 January 2009


Now I have my blog, I'm aware that I need to get into the habit, or routine, of updating it regularly.

What has already stumped me, is finding things to update with.

Obviously at the moment I am in the midst of the Journalism and Sub-editing course, so the idea is I will post samples of my work. However, in between these stories, I am not quite sure what to post, that will be interesting and worth reading.

There are so many blogs out there of so many varieties; health, family life, the daily diaries of celebs and even those who choose to display their sexual antics.

So this in comparison is just... ?

I will have a good think about how to make this interesting and will most definitely then start to spice this up.

If anyone's got any ideas in the meantime, hit me with them!

Monday 19 January 2009



This is my first blog ever, and it's amazing how hard it is to think about something interesting to write!

Oh the pressure...
But if i put my Face Book hat on, i'm sure i can apply myself!

I have set up a blog to publish any work that I create whilst on my journalist course, and for the future. I hope that you will all read it and give me any positive or constructive feedback, or even any ideas for future work would be much appreciated.

At the moment I am classed as a freelance journalist and find all subjects that people feel strongly about, are interesting and definitely worth listening to, so if you have anything annoying you, worrying you or making you happy, let me know!